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Energy Saving Tips By Industry

The operational efficiency of a business plays a vital role in its profitability, particularly in industries with high energy consumption. Across sectors, it's paramount to identify and implement strategies that can help to save on energy costs. Here we take a look at and share practical energy-saving tips specific to diverse industries.


Be it food and beverage, building and construction, or breweries, the manufacturing industry is the country's most significant energy consumer. As such, energy use optimisation is critical to remaining competitive in a global economy. To this, there's no better solution than harnessing solar power. Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that can help manufacturers reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. It's also an excellent way to save money on energy costs. In fact, many manufacturers have already started using solar panels to offset their electricity consumption and reduce their carbon footprint. Find out more about solar for manufacturing.

A Resolute Energy Saver

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Large manufacturing complexes often have substantial roof spaces, making them ideal for installing solar panel systems. Moreover, manufacturing operations usually occur during daylight hours, coinciding with the solar systems' peak power output. As a result, most solar-generated energy is consumed on-site, curtailing costs associated with selling power back to the grid.


In today's economic landscape, where uncertainty often looms large, Australian businesses, particularly those in the retail sector, grapple with the dual challenges of soaring energy costs and skyrocketing rents. Supermarkets, hardware stores, and convenience fuel retail outlets are notable examples of this trend. These businesses operate on thin margins and high volumes, meaning any increase in operating expenses can significantly impact profitability. In Australia, where the commercial landscape is both competitive and dynamic, finding strategies to mitigate these rising costs is not just beneficial; it's imperative for survival and growth.

Given these scenarios, one effective strategy for reducing operational expenses is adopting energy-efficient technologies and practices. For example, LED lighting can significantly decrease energy consumption compared to traditional lighting systems. Investments in more efficient refrigeration units and HVAC systems can yield substantial savings over time.

The Retailer's Best Bet

The Australian climate provides ample opportunity for retail businesses to harness solar energy. As retail operations generally align with daylight hours, solar energy provides an optimal solution for retailers looking to mitigate energy costs. Even retailers operating under long-term lease agreements who don't own their spaces can benefit, given the portable nature of solar systems.

An exemplary case of harnessing solar energy within the retail sector is the Woolworths Group, one of Australia's leading supermarket chains. Woolworths has committed to powering its operations with 100% green energy by 2025, with solar installations already in place across numerous locations. This transition reduces operational costs significantly and positions Woolworths as a leader in sustainability, a factor that increasingly influences consumer choices.


Educational institutions, spanning from primary to tertiary education, are some of Australia's largest energy consumers. Utility management in these institutions can be complex and challenging due to the variance in energy demands across different sectors of the institution.

A Lesson in Efficiency

Many educational organisations, especially public schools whose energy bills are usually government-funded, have turned to renewable energy solutions like solar power, similar to that of The King David School. As an effective method for meeting their high energy demand, solar has proven instrumental in promoting energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness, particularly in private schools. Find out more about solar for education.

Aged Care

Aged care facilities operate around the clock, leading to substantial energy consumption. Given these homes' energy patterns, the emphasis is on efficiency and dependability with respect to electricity provision.

Balancing Costs & Care

Due to their 24-hour operational characteristic, solar energy can only handle peak electricity loads for 25-35% of the day, making it less effective for round-the-clock services like aged care. Here, energy brokering comes to the fore. Having a broker negotiate for the best rates with the retailers can ensure facilities become more energy-efficient while also curbing rising energy costs. Find out more about solar for aged care.

Steering Towards a Sustainable Future with Choice Energy

Energy efficiency is fundamental to businesses in the modern world. Choice Energy appreciates the unique challenges different sectors pose and offers tailored solutions that match their individual energy profiles. Through solar energy brokering businesses can successfully navigate the energy terrain, ensure cost savings, and steer towards a sustainable future.

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