Our story

Our mission is simple:We’re here to help you reduce energy costs for your business.

We apply our expertise in energy assessment and management to show you how to take control of your energy so you pay less, and use less.

Your dedicated energy management consultant will back you every step of the way. We’re by your side for the long term because we know that tomorrow’s best deal is only ever a negotiation away.

Christopher Dean
Our beginning

“I was working in a previous role and one day I spoke with three clients in one street; each client was on different energy tariffs despite sharing a similar demographic and usage.

I knew there was an opportunity to offer a rounded solution: both energy brokering and energy efficiency. Alan (Gill – Chief Operating Officer) and I recognised a grey area of making energy clear, simple and accessible. We knew that if we could get customers better rates first, we could then look at how to invest their cost savings to use less energy.

We also wanted to offer a service where customers had just one point of contact for all their energy needs. We would manage and underwrite the solar. Since then, we’ve grown from strength to strength.

In the height of Australia’s energy crisis, we got the timing right.”

— Chris Dean, CEO Choice Energy.

Today we’re being recognised
(for all the right reasons)

We pride ourselves on being active participants in the Australian energy industry. Simply by staying true to our mission of reducing energy costs for Australian business, we’re being recognised for it.

Get Started

Take power back and reduce your energy costs. Provide us with a snapshot of your business and energy needs and we'll be in touch.