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Brass Tacks: Can I really reduce my energy spend?

For businesses, reducing energy costs may seem more complicated than the simple cost-cutting techniques recommended for residential properties.

When your livelihood and the heart of your product or services depend on the use of machinery, lighting and tools, aiming to reduce costs can feel redundant in the face of growing bills and higher demand. This is where teaming up with an energy management specialist like Choice Energy can assist.

We go beyond the standard energy saving techniques for businesses

With an expert on your side, we’re able to apply knowledge, techniques and offers from our range of contacts and partners to create a comprehensive cost-reducing strategy for you and your energy needs. Instead of spending time researching, waiting on the phone and generally hoping for the best, your dedicated Choice Energy expert is here to take the hard work out of reducing costs, ensuring you can continue with business as usual while we work on lowering your bills.

What does professional energy management look like?

First, we’ll take a look at a few of your bills and have a conversation about your concerns, and any questions you have. How intensive this chat is, is entirely up to you: We know you’re busy, so want to ensure we’re working with your timeline and availability.

We’ll then investigate a range of areas that can see a dramatic shift in your energy bills, including:

Tariff and demand analysis - Your tariff is a charge that correlates to the energy your provider anticipates you will use, and will allocate to you. This tariff may not actually reflect your genuine usage, or be aligned with a former business at your site, leading to higher bills.

Learn more about tariffs and demand here.

Metering and Monitoring - We offer a service called SHEILD metering, which offers essential monitoring and reporting tools, which reduce your risk exposure to large market energy costs. You’ll understand more about your energy use, and ensure your site, factory or office is being charged correctly for the amount of energy you truly use.

Discover more about metering and monitoring your business energy use.

The opportunity for a group energy tender - Using the power of numbers, a group energy tender can see a reduced cost in energy supply for not only you, but other businesses in your industry, group or location. The ‘economy of scale’ behind a group tender means energy providers are more likely to offer a better price on your energy costs in order to win over your group.

Learn more about group tenders here.

Commercial Solar Feasibility - We can assess whether your building or site is ideal for high quality commercial solar, which can offset your energy costs dramatically. As a CEC certified retailer, we only make recommendations for solar energy when we see a genuine benefit for it - You might be surprised to learn how cost effective and affordable commercial solar truly is.

Learn more about commercial solar here.

Energy Provider comparisons - Rather than researching options yourself, we do the heavy lifting when it comes to contacting energy providers for a better deal. We’ll gather up your best options, and go through them with you based on your requirements and preferences. Working with an expert also means becoming a savvy consumer, and aligning decisions with your overall business goals, and not what looks good now.

Learn more about comparisons here.

What will Energy Management cost me?

The best thing about our energy management services is that they are immediately affordable. Many of our services are either charged to your energy provider, or become integrated into your energy bill itself. Even investment options like commercial solar can often be cash flow positive for businesses, thanks to our commitment to genuine benefit, financing and our assistance with finding and securing solar government grants and rebates. Reach out today and learn more about how we can start saving you more today.

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Speak to one of our Choice Energy Assessors for a free energy evaluation today!

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