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Solar Booms As Politicians’ Heads Are Set to Roll…Again

Rooftop solar installations broke the 90MW mark in March 2017 – the first time since solar installs peaked in 2012. The same year the Gillard Government put a carbon tax on electricity bills (July 1, 2012).

Remember who lost their job over the carbon tax? Yes, the same Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

Well, it’s going to be twice as bad for homes and businesses in 2018. See the graph below comparing next year’s energy spike with 2013’s post-carbon tax spike.

Solarbooms Header Image

Now, your choices?

  • A – complain
  • B – wait and see
  • C – be proactive and take some control back

1.67 million homes and businesses have acted and now have solar.

Solar probably won’t take most of you “off-grid” or remove all of your energy costs, but you can mitigate your exposure to the energy market. It’s those who are playing the “wait and see” game who are going to hurt the most.

Source: 2013 average prices from AEMO; electricity forward prices from ASX as at 29 March 2017

2012 was a good year for solar due to a mix of high electricity prices and peak feed-in tariffs for solar export. Installs softened thereafter as the carbon tax was repealed and feed-in tariffs reduced by up to 90% (from 66c/kWh to 5c/kWh in some cases).

There was double the number of solar installs in March 2017 compared to March 2016. Why? Foresight!

Do you want to know what taking some control back will look like for your business?

See how we saved Sunshine Mitre 10 $20,000 per year through solar:

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