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Australia Breaks Its Record for Monthly Solar Installations. What Does That Mean For You?

Business owners are fighting back against an energy market where the wholesale cost of electricity tripled in the past 18 months.

120MW of rooftop solar was installed in November 2017, knocking off the previous record in June 2012 when the Queensland government announced the end of the 44-cent feed-in tariff.

The rapid increase in the uptake of commercial solar has also been fuelled by a reduction in government incentives in 2018, with businesses keen to cash in on the rebate program before its value is minimised.

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100MW of rooftop solar was also installed in October, getting close to the previous peaks of 2012 which implies that the market is going from strength to strength.

The feedback from many businesses and homeowners who have looked into solar previously and understand the pitfalls of cut and run solar offerings, is that it now makes sense more than ever to partner with an experienced energy management company that will be around to look after them for many years post-install.

The lesson to be learnt from 2012 is although the market was booming, more than 500 companies went into liquidation or deregistered their ABNs. This left people who had installed solar with bad warranties, no service, and no hope of recovering losses from damaged or broken systems.

Having a holistic energy management solution that tackles all aspects of energy is essential, and something that has launched Choice Energy to be the 12th fastest growing company in Australia.

Many solar companies will promise you the world, but the chances they’ll stick around after they’ve been paid is low. Before partnering with Choice Energy, feel free to speak to any of our clients to see if we “Say-Do”.

Learn more about Choice Energy’s “Say-Do” philosophy that we pride ourselves on:

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